Qizhi Aca: A Design of Simplicity and Purity

Science and Technology Office Creates a Minimalistic Masterpiece

A good space can give people a unique feeling. The beauty of simplicity is to keep the nuisance and noise out of the door. Manifest your inner self in silence. The beauty of simplicity is a return. Remove unnecessary complex decorations. Simple and pure. Has the power to move people's hearts. Thoughts can be freely swayed here. Passion can be released here. Minimalism is a return. Return to nature, return to freedom, return to the heart. Simplicity is an attitude, there is a gap in the chest.

No need to over-cut and embellish. No need for too much gorgeousness and color. Bring sensory shock with pure design. The designer, Tianwen Sun, has been trying to find the hidden design logic, hoping to solve the actual problems of the owner, avoid pursuing the exaggerated form of design, and show the aesthetic meaning beyond the function in a simple form. In the end, "simplicity" and "purity" are presented, and their existence and value are confirmed through their own space and aesthetic power.

The Qizhi Aca design stands out with its unique properties. It embraces simplicity and avoids excessive ornamentation. By focusing on pure design, it delivers a sensory shock that captivates the viewer. The design team, led by Tianwen Sun, has carefully crafted a space that goes beyond functionality and showcases the power of aesthetics in a simple form.

Covering an impressive area of 3000m2, the Qizhi Aca design embodies the keywords of pure, net, simplicity, and minimalism. It creates an atmosphere where thoughts can freely flow and passion can be unleashed. The simplicity of the design allows it to withstand the test of time and the purity gives it the ability to withstand the passage of years.

The project, which started in December 2019 in Hangzhou, China, was completed in October 2020. Throughout the design process, the team focused on finding the hidden design logic and addressing the actual needs of the owner. By avoiding excessive embellishments and pursuing a simple form, the design showcases the essence of simplicity and purity.

The Qizhi Aca design, created by Tianwen Sun and the Science and Technology Office, has been recognized for its excellence. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity and resourcefulness. The Qizhi Aca design incorporates best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: tianwen Sun
Image Credits: Shanghai Hip-pop Architectural Decoration Design co. Ltd
Project Team Members: Tianwen Sun
Project Name: Qizhi Aca
Project Client: tianwen Sun

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